Objective Advanced Student's Book + Key + Cdrom

44,47 €

Fourth Edition. Objective courses provide the perfect solution
for the demands of the modern classroom


First and Advanced: 70 teaching hours,
extendable to 90
Profi ciency: 90 teaching hours, extendable
to 120
IELTS: 80 teaching hours, extendable to 120
Objective courses provide the perfect solution
for the demands of the modern classroom; short
units emphasising progress, motivating students
and getting results. The Objective series provides
solid language development, lively class discussion
and thorough training in exam skills.
• Based on research into real exam candidates’
answers from the Cambridge Learner Corpus,
exercises target areas that commonly cause
diffi culty.
• Exam preparation in separate ‘Exam folders’
makes Objective suitable for classes with general
English students.
• English Profi le research provides the most
targeted and effi cient vocabulary syllabus
available (First, Advanced and Profi ciency).
• Presentation Plus – provides complete course
content, including audio and video material,
annotation tools, links to online resources and
the ability to save your customised lessons to any
computer anywhere.


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